SURAT 2020 - SPKG Newsletter

This Surat aims to depict as many useful tips as well as humbling experiences of those who were at the frontline, students of your future self and those who were generally affected yet rose up to the challenges they faced.

Some things may change later on in the future and some may continue as they have been adapted to for their own reasons. Much is uncertain but there is strength in being prepared for what’s to come.

This Surat does not only serve its purpose for SPM leavers but also to be enjoyed and feel in solidarity by other alumnus or even the wide public.

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SURAT 2019 - SPKG Newsletter

This SPKG Surat anthology series is to give you, students of MRSM Taiping Batch 2019 an example of the higher education experience after SPM, sharing the journey we all take after leaving MRSM, then through university and just before breaking into your first job.

SPKG Surat 2019 endeavors to shape your expectations so that you can plan your next course of action, after sitting for SPM and the years after; we hope to shed some light on what academic courses to read, what post-graduate options are available and how that opens to the career choices that you may want to eventually pursue.

Divided into two sections, Surat first lays out the academic journey itself, what to expect when you leave MRSM. The second part is an anthology, submitted by your seniors and fellow collegians who have already taken this journey and are incredibly excited to share their individual perspectives.

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SURAT 2018 - SPKG Newsletter

Clarity is needed to understand what are the top universities and careers to gain perspective on college strengths and job opportunities. Armed with this knowledge, you can be better armed, prepared and ready to move to the next academic level to support your career options ahead.

We will explore this in two parts. The importance of understanding university rankings and a general grasp of career options post-university.

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